Singapore Student Learning Space
What is Singapore Student Learning Space?
As part of its commitment to nurturing future-ready learners, all students in Singapore schools will be supported in their learning by the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS), an online learning platform that contains curriculum-aligned resources and learning tools.
With the SLS, students will be able to learn better through the use of technology. Students will be able to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace, whether independently or with their peers. Teachers will also be able to use the SLS to complement their classroom teaching, further enriching students’ learning experience. We believe such a learning experience is essential to help your child to become an active and confident user of technology.
Password Reset
I have forgotten my password. What should I do?
Please click here for the SLS Password Reset Guide. You may refer to for all login issues.
Frequently Asked Question
Q1. I have forgotten my password. What should I do?
The format of your username is a combination of the first 5 characters of your Name, the last 4 digits and the letter of your NRIC/FIN/BC, e.g. RACHE1234Z.
In rare cases, two or more students might share the same 10 characters. In such cases, their username may be affixed with a number, e.g. RACHE1234Z_01.
If you are still not sure of your username, please approach your teacher.
Alternatively, you may also login to SLS using MIMS ID and password.
This is also the preferred login method as it helps students
better manage their ICT account login details.
Q2. My account has been locked. What should I do?
Your account will be locked if you try to log in with an incorrect password too many times. Please approach your teacher to unlock your account.
Q3. I chose to reset my SLS password through email but I cannot find the password reset email. What can I do?
If you cannot see the email in your inbox, it may be in the spam or junk email folder.
Note: The link in the email will expire within 10 minutes. If the link has expired, go to the login page and select Forgot Password to try again.
Q4. Can I change the SLS security questions?
Students can log in to SLS to change the answers to their security questions. However, the questions are fixed.
Q5. What are the Operating System and Browser Requirements for SLS?
SLS is accessible through internet browsers on Windows PC, Mac, tablets and mobile devices. The recommended operating systems and browsers can be found at