General Information
Co-Curricular Activities
As part of the school’s efforts to deliver a holistic education, the school incorporated CCAs into curriculum time and designated Fridays as CCA Day. The objectives of the CCA Day are to:
provide opportunity for all pupils to participate in a CCA
leverage on SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) to provide for Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
achieve depth and exposure in a CCA for Direct Schools Admission (DSA) after Primary 6 for entry into a Secondary School and
make school a fun and enjoyable experience for our pupils
All P3 to P6 students take part in a CCA in the first part of the morning, while the P1 and P2 students undergo the Programme for Active Learning (PAL).
The school offers a wide range of CCAs which include:
Sports & Games: Floorball, Football, Sports Club and Taekwondo
Performing Arts: Chinese Dance, Guzheng, Malay Dance and Show Choir
Clubs & Societies: Art Club, Environmental Science, Infocomm Technology (Computing) and Infocomm Technology (Media & Production)
Uniformed Group: Scouts
For enquiries on the school’s CCA Programme, please email:
Mr Aidil Effendy (Head of Department PE/CCA and Aesthetics)