School Policy & Practice On Assessment Matters
In supporting the learning and development of your child/ward, the school is committed in assessing our students holistically and has put in place modes of assessment which are varied and progressive.
Please contact Ms Charlotte Neo at Tel: 6583 2125 Ext. 108 or email her Ms Charlotte Neo Jia Hwee if you require any clarifications.
School Policy & Practice On Assessment Matters
We would like to draw the attention of parents and guardians of our students on the school’s exam policy and assessment practices.
1. Absence from Weighted Assessments
There will be no make-up assessments for students who are absent for any weighted assessments.
The results for any absentees for the whole year will be calculated based on those assessments they have taken in the year. Absentees for any of the weighted school assessments, End-of-Year Examination or Preliminary Examination will not be qualified for the year-end academic award. To ensure fairness, only students who have sat for ALL the assessments for the year will be eligible for the academic award.
Students who are absent due to any illness for any of the assessments need to submit a valid Medical Certificate (MC) upon their return to school. Letters by parents are not acceptable as the school needs official MCs issued by registered medical doctor so as to maintain fairness and consistency to all. Consistent to the government’s practice, MCs issued by TCM practitioners are currently not acceptable.
Once a valid MC is submitted timely to the form teacher, a Valid Reason (‘VR’) will be reflected in his/her result slip. No marks will be awarded to the student if he/she is absent from any Weighted Assessment or End-of-Year Examination.
No mark will be awarded to the student if he/she is absent from any assessment without a valid MC.
As part of the school’s effort to support students’ learning, absentees will be allowed to complete the papers after they have recovered. They will hand in the completed papers to their subject teachers for marking. However, marks will not be included in the overall mark computation.
In the interest of the students’ health and safety, we appeal to parents/guardians not to send their children/wards to school for any assessments when they are still covered under Medical Leave. Our consistent message to all students is: Health and Safety comes first.
2. Late without a Valid Reason
Students will not be allowed to take the assessment if they are
- late for more than 15 mins for papers with duration of 1 hour or less, or
- late for more than 30 mins for papers with duration of more than 1 hour.
Students who are late will not be given extra time to complete the assessment.
3. Cheating and Misconduct during Assessment
Cheating or attempting to cheat is a serious offence and disciplinary action will be taken against offenders. If students are caught cheating or attempting to cheat, they will not be allowed to continue the assessment and the assessment results may be deemed invalid.
4. Conduct Grades
The school believes in the holistic all-rounded development of character, body and mind for every Meridian. Students whose conduct grade is below ‘very good’, will not be allowed to receive their awards on stage.
5. Attire for Semestral Assessment
Students are to be properly attired in full school uniform for End-of-Year Examination, Preliminary Examination and PSLE.
6. Use of Dictionaries for P5 and P6 Mother Tongue Composition
P5 and P6 students are allowed to use a dictionary for the Mother Tongue, Higher Mother Tongue and Non-Tamil Indian Languages (NTIL) Paper 1 (Composition). Please refer to the list of SEAB Approved Dictionaries.
7. List Of Approved Scientific Calculators for P5 and P6 Mathematics Paper 2
Students are allowed to use an electronic calculator for Mathematics/Foundation Mathematics Paper 2 in P5 and P6. Please refer to the list of approved calculators from SEAB. List of SEAB Approved Calculators
8. Use of Stationery for all P6 Assessment
A) Optical Answer Sheet (OAS)
Student should use a 2B pencil to shade answers on the OAS. The oval needs to be shaded completely and firmly.
B) Answering Booklet
• Students should write their answers clearly in blue / black ballpoint pen with 0.5mm tip size. If students need to change their answers, they need to cross the original answers out in ink and re-write the answers. Students should not write the answers in pencil as the responses may appeared too faint for marking.
• Students should not use correction fluid / tape in the examinations as it may affect the legibility of the answers.
• Students should not use highlighters to highlight any part of their answers as this may affect the legibility of the answers.